How To Start Cosplaying – The Foamory

So, you’ve come across Cosplay and really like the look of it. It looks extremely fun and is a whole new experience that you haven’t been familiar with before.

How To Start Cosplaying – The Foamory

So, you’ve come across Cosplay and really like the look of it. It looks extremely fun and is a whole new experience that you haven’t been familiar with before.

But, how do you even get started with Cosplay?

That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this article. We’re going to talk you through step-by-step how you can get started and join in on the action.

How To Get Started With Cosplay

To get started with Cosplay, you need to follow these 4 steps:

  1. Prepare
  2. Research & design
  3. Get the materials & start creating
  4. Enjoy!

Below, we’ve walked you through every one of these steps.

1. Prepare

Before you start even working on your costume, you need to prepare.

To prepare for cosplay, the first step would probably be to get some friends involved. Cosplay is much more fun when your friends get involved too. The reason is that, together, you can make up a group or take pictures.

So, call your friends up and ask them if they would like to cosplay with you. Once you have done so, it’s time to choose your character.

Think about your favorite characters or some that would be really fun to cosplay as. You can also go for a hybrid costume which would be a mixture of two characters. Cosplaying as a hybrid character can be extremely fun because it allows you to add your own creativity to the mix.

2. Research, Design & Budget

The next step is research, design, and budget.

For this step, you’re going to figure out what you need, and how much it costs. So, if you are creating your outfit yourself, think about what materials and items you need. Make a list of them, and set a budget.

But, if you are just looking to purchase a complete outfit online that is fine too. If that is the case you can skip this step.

Create a list of the items and materials you need.

For example, you may create a stormtrooper x Darth Vader hybrid costume.

In that case, your shopping list may look like this:

  • EVA Foam to create the stormtrooper head
  • Darth Vader costume for the body

Whatever you need, note down the materials and set a budget.

3. Purchase The Materials & Start Creating!

Now, it’s time to purchase the materials and start creating. Make sure to stick to the budget that you created in the previous step. Even if you don’t find something, it’s always worth waiting or looking for alternative methods to create that part of the costume.

Sometimes, this process can be extremely fun, as it’s a small challenge but in an exciting way. Once you have your materials, you’ll want to start creating your cosplay costume.

You can look up tutorials on places like YouTube. And if you need help, there are also loads of Cosplay forums on the internet. This part is also quite fun, as it can often teach you skills like sewing or anything else you need to create your costume.

If you are using EVA foam, you can also check out how to use EVA foam for Cosplay. Or, simply watch the video below.

4. Enjoy!

Enjoy it!

Once you have created the costume (or bought it), it’s time to enjoy it! If you have planned to go to an event or something similar, go there and wear it with pride. If you haven’t you can still have lots of fun by taking pictures, visiting friends, or doing whatever else you feel like.

Read More on Cosplay

We hope you have enjoyed this guide on how to start cosplaying. Remember, if you can’t find the right materials, you can always use your creativity to use alternatives. Other than that, just make sure to enjoy yourself!

If you would like to read more on Cosplay, you can check out some of our recent articles below.

7 Easy But Fun Cosplay Ideas For Guys

7 Fun Cosplay Ideas For Women

Cosplay: Where To Buy Foam


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